DHT11 & DHT22 Humidity and Temperature Sensor with Arduino

DHT11 Sensor with Arduino and LCD

The DHT11 sensor can measure temperature and humidity in the air. It gives pre-calibrated digital output, so you can interface with any microcontroller like Arduino, ESP32, Raspberry Pi, etc. You can easily use this sensor in your weather monitoring system, or home automation system. In this tutorial, I will build a small circuit to interface … Read more ➯

MAX7219 LED Matrix Display with Arduino Tutorial

MAX7219 LED Matrix Display with Arduino

In this tutorial, you will learn how to control a dot matrix LED display with MAX7219 using an Arduino board. I will use an 8×8 as well as an 8×32 dot matrix display in this tutorial to display text, characters, and scrolling texts. Table of Contents1 MAX7219 Dot Matrix LED Module2 LED Matrix Multiplexing3 How … Read more ➯

I2C OLED Display with Arduino Tutorial

An OLED display is the best alternative to the character LCD. The OLED display looks very cool because of its thin design and high-contrast screen. In this Arduino OLED display tutorial, I will show you how to connect an OLED display with an Arduino and draw common shapes on it. How to draw custom graphics, scrolling … Read more ➯

Arduino Buzzer Tutorial

Arduino with Buzzer

In many projects where we need to add a sound, we need a buzzer. Buzzer is the most easy and cost-effective way to add sound to your Arduino projects. Using a buzzer we can create projects like timer, stopwatch, fire alarm, siren, etc. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use a buzzer or … Read more ➯

Basics of Arduino PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)

The Arduino PWM is very useful for controlling things. We can control the brightness of an led, speed of a motor, direction of a Servo motor, and many other things using PWM. In this Arduino PWM tutorial, you will learn about the Arduino PWM function and how to use Arduino PWM function to control the … Read more ➯

Interfacing 7 Segment Display with Arduino

Arduino 7-Segment Display with Push Button

We use a variety of 7 segment displays in our day-to-day life. Such as a digital clock, stopwatch, micro oven, air conditioner, etc. It is a very simple and cost-effective way to display numbers like date, time, temperature data, etc. So if your Arduino project only needs to display numbers, consider using a 7 segment … Read more ➯

Arduino LCD Complete Tutorial for Beginners

Arduino pro mini with lcd

Using an LCD display can give you an advantage in your Arduino project. This LCD can show some information about your project. For example, you can create a distance measurement system that displays the distance on LCD, or you can create a simple project that only shows some message on LCD. In this tutorial, I … Read more ➯

Complete Guide for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino

Ultrasonic Arduino LCD I2C Circuit Diagram

Ultrasonic is a great sensor when it comes to measuring a distance of an object. Ultrasonic sensors are based on measuring the properties of sound waves. It has a transmitter/trigger to generate a sound pulse and a receiver to receive an echo pulse coming from the targeted object. By calculating the traveling time of trigger … Read more ➯

Arduino LED Blinking – Complete Tutorial

arduino led blinking circuit diagram

Led blinking is a very simple and basic project to start with Arduino. LED blinking is nothing but turning ON and OFF an LED light. Though Arduino LED blinking is very basic, it can be used in further stages in creating various types of projects which will be very interesting. It has a wide range … Read more ➯